When the complex problems we face exceed our ability to respond to them, it is primarily an educational crises. What inner skills and capacities do we need to better respond to the turmoil? Can we collectively learn these to be able to create together a better tomorrow, today?
What I do
I'm a former theatre maker and currently a futures artist. It means that I use my experience and skills as a creative professional to help in the systemic transformation that needs to happen in our culture and society for our beautiful natural world and human species to continue their existence.
We have so far built our world based on competition, extraction, individualism, exponential growth and reductionist thinking. This has resulted in unsustainable systems, catastrophic risks and cascading polycrisis, and not least importantly, unhappy people. I believe that this cannot be fixed alone with a technological innovation or structural changes, but most importantly through inner and cultural shift on a wide scale.
I create and teach methods and practices to grow inner resilience, future skills and connection with other humans, as well as learning new ways of thinking using creativity and arts. I see the potential in serious playfulness as a crucial skill to navigate amidst existential risks and wicked problems.
We cannot do same of the old and assume a new outcome. We must find new ways altogether.
Please see some of interests and offerings below, and don't hesitate to contact me to discuss more: erikaeva(at)erikaeva.com
I also collaborate with Falay Transition Design.
What I offer
You can read about my key areas of interest below. I offer services from coaching and consulting to trainings as well as speaker gigs.
You can book a FREE call to discuss what you have in mind and see where I can help.
Capacity building for becoming
an agent for change
Developing inner skills, such as sense-making and co-creation skills empower us to create a positive impact in the world. I teach creative and embodied practices to cultivate self-awareness, complexity awareness and creativity. We can all become artists to create a better world!
Relating skills for better connection
In a world grappling with an epidemic of disconnection, we must explore meaningful ways to reconnect with ourselves and others. I teach powerful creative tools and practices that foster deep relations and a sense of community, tapping into skills such as empathy, listening and non-verbal communication. The world needs more genuine connection and understanding.
Playfulness and creativity for innovating a better world
We know that we must imagine a new world before we can navigate towards it. In order to imagine, we need to remember our inner creativity and playfulness. Through engaging practices drawn from improvisation theatre and other creative methods, we discover that we hold so much potential for innovating and imagining.